
Blog #6 2024

I have received a tons of feedback in my life on many varieties of topics, actions, appearance and other things.


  • White women should not wear dreadlocks
  • You would be pretty if you lost weight
  • You are too young to retire
  • You are too old to go back to school

More Than Words

Words, on their own, have little power. Their value grows when they can emote feeling in others. Shared understanding gives words their super powers. Throughout history there are tons of examples of how impactful words can be. The bible, for example, is full of words that has been translated into 736 languages ( according to Google). That’s pretty impressive. You know you have a best seller when that many languages are reading and quoting from your book. Those printed pages of the bible have become “words to live by” in many religions and spiritual belief systems.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

If the pen is mightier than the sword then how do actions speak louder than words? I know what you might be thinking right now? What goes on in her head that she thinks about this kind of stuff. Well, to be honest, most of it just comes to me while I am doing any number of random tasks. Sometimes, it comes after reading a paragraph in a book that makes me think about other things I have read. I love to make connections between philosophies that may or may not appear connected.

Defining Words

Words are just words until you attach a feeling to them. Sure, words have dictionary definitions that have been universally accepted throughout history. There are some words in every language that have a variety of meaning based on their context, culture and association with other words. Words aid us in our ability to describe an object or experience or our feelings about those objects and experiences. The pen is mightier than the sword is a well known phrase but is the pen mightier?

Words Don’t Define Me

As you can tell from above, some positive some not so positive. I have come to a key discovery about the words used when others give me feedback. I am in control of what value I place on the words given to me. I can accept them as truth or reject them as being false. The words hang in the air until I decide what to do. If I release any ownership of the words created by others I can be more objective about the revelation being offered up to me.

Having the Last Words

Is there any benefit to having the opportunity for getting the last words in? I know people that you can’t “get a word in edgewise“. They talk and talk and talk. You can literally walk away from your phone for a few minutes and come back to hear they are still talking. They are none the wiser that you walked away from the conversation.

Words of Discernment

I have come to the conclusion that choosing my words with much thought and consideration can boost my confidence in their value to myself and others. In a world where statistics tells us that more and more people are reading less books in favour of audio versions or video, it becomes critical to find the words.

How do you use your words?

Any Words of wisdom to share with us?


Published by vkonnect51gmail.com

Wild heart, free spirit, shaman enthusiast who loves to be curious about anything and everything. Avid traveller who is itching to explore more of this wonderful world when save to do so.

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